finally! after looking at every corner of the classifieds for many, many months...
i HAVE found a job!!!
i'm so happy!!!
i was interviewed monday and they gave me tests to asess my skills.
then they told me that they'll call me if i'll be hired or not.
and to expect their call later in the day or the next day (tuesday).
i had given up hope because by 3 pm of tuesday, they had yet to call.
but just as i was about to completely give up, they called and told me that i got that job!!!
i'll recieve a monthly salary plus free unlimited internet access!!!!
from now on i'll be earning... no more boredom, no more idle hours!!!
i hope i do well and keep my new job...
anyway, as usual i have nothing to write here, so i browsed around and found some quizzes in jac's blogs.
i decided to try them out and here are the results.
You should be dating an Aquarius.
20 January - 18 February
Your mate is communicative, thoughtful and caring.
Though he/she can be tactless and rude and
sometimes self-interested, he/she enjoys the
intellectual experience of sex.
What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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No one would really know your name. You would be
called by what you do. For example, if you burn
your victims to death all the time, you would
be known as The Arsonist, or if you knife them,
you would be known as The Slasher. You would be
the mysterious killer who strikes at sporadic
times, and would be very difficult to catch.
You might dress up and mask yourself when you
perform your horrible killings. Your identity
would really be a mystery. Obviously you would
be wanted all over the place, and authorities
would desperately try to capture you. Even if
you were caught, you would not say much. The
public would greatly fear you because you could
just strike unexpectedly.
What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
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Wow you're nice. In fact you're a bit of a
doormat. You are ripe pickings for a Vampire.
Enter your Undeath
The Ultimate quiz to see if you're Evil
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Ichi - "That one with wisdom"
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What would your Japanese name be? (female)
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